Sunday, 29 January 2012

Margaret Courts rant answered.

Michael vs Margaret

"As a society we are losing touch with fundamental Christian values, as our leaders lean towards an agenda of political correctness to keep the minorities happy."

First of all, being a Christian is a choice, you make it sound as if its compulsory, that EVERYONE has to be a Christian. No, WE choose our way of life. Whilst you choose to be narrow-minded. Our leaders are leaning towards an Equalised society. Fairness and respect.

"We have taken the easy way out. Minorities are now making it harder for the majority. They are increasingly taking everything that is good in society and pushing it to the side."

'Minorities' are making things how they should be. Equal. What's the point in treating 1 half of the country completely different to the other half? What's the point in treating 1 child to a treat and not the other? What's the point in treating 1 sick person, but not the other? Exactly!

"Looking back, you can see that there has been a steep decline, especially when it comes to the issue of sexuality. There is so much scripture within the Bible that points to what we see happening now. We are losing that sense of discipline."

Sexuality isn't a problem. I've done so much research on it, to try and find something bad about it, there is nothing. People 'choose' to be against it, because they don't understand the facts.

This is the 21st Century, discipline doesn't involve wood and stones, we rely on truth, evidence, and again. Equality. What's the point in preaching about something which is about...15000 years old? We're intelligent enough to make our own decisions now.

"Let me be clear. I believe that a person's sexuality is a choice. In the Bible it said that homosexuality is among sins that are works of the flesh. It is not something you are born with."

Right, OK. Let me be clear. Are you gay? bi? Trans-gender? no? Then YOUR opinion is INVALID. You cannot say that it's a choice if you've never had these feelings. Why on earth would someone 'Choose' to be gay if they knew they would get up everyday and get abused, harassed and attacked? Hmmm? again, you have no full proof evidence to back up what your saying. I have me as evidence, I  have the WHOLE LGBT community to back up our proof!

"My concern is that we are advocating to young people that it is OK to have these feelings. But I truly believe if you are told you are gay from a young age, soon enough it will start to impact your life and you will live it. If somebody is told they are gay they often start to believe it."

It is OK! There is no point in teaching Children that it is wrong, that just causes prejudice and fear. Which would cause confrontation later in life. Bullying. Attacks. And even Suicide, so yes, teaching young children that having these feelings is a natural and a good thing. It is the RIGHT way. If someone got told they are gay, and believed it, they are either 1, Insecure with there sexuality or 2, Completely bone idle and will believe what anyone says.

"I became the first Australian woman to win Wimbledon because I trained hard and worked towards it."

Right? OK? And that has any relevance with this topic? I shall take this opportunity to make it so. You worked towards your goals, you chose a path and succeeded. Which is why everyone should be able to do so, not get told they can't because of age, race, sexuality. Kinda backfired, didn't it? ;-)

"It's why I believe so strongly in the sanctity of marriage. It takes hard work. Children need a mother and a father - stability from a male and a female - and I think we are losing sight of this"

Children deserve people who love them, and care for them, I heard endless story's of biological parents who beat there children. What happens if them children were taken away from that family and got adopted by a gay couple? Would you rather see them children stay with the evil parents?

"I can't understand, if we are a blessed nation under a biblical Constitution, why there is such a push to change it? We will only start to tear away at the rich fabric and sustained values. Then God will take his hand off our nation and the lights will go out."

What do you mean, you can't understand? what is there to understand? My understanding is, its the 21st century, the world has changed, people have changed, society has changed, learn to accept it, or don't learn at all. And as for your god will take his hands of our nation and the lights will go out, well, I'm sorry to tell you, but the lights in this day and age... run of Elec-tri-city.

"We need to turn our minds back to God and I still believe we have the capacity to make that change. Understand that there is a God and that He is real and that He can be part of your life." 

Try and change a whole nation? Hmmm...Good luck with that. If I wanted god apart of my life, I wouldn't be writing this out now, I'd be in a room with no light copying quotes from the bible to chuck at passers by.

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