Saturday, 31 March 2012

Trying to understand "Homophobia"

Homophobia is a word which people seem to chuck around a lot in the LGBT Community, but what does it actually mean?!

In my understanding of what I've heard and seen, homophobia isn't necessarily hate toward's a certain person's sexual preference, but more, scared and confused, maybe they have had some sort of homosexual feelings in the past and that has scared them.

Someone who hates homosexuals is just pure HATE, not homophobic. Although most people in the LGBT Community do get scared of the word homophobic, it's not as bad as many people make out, if you can just be YOU around someone who has homophobia, that could get rid of there fear and change people.

Unlike hate, or a specific hate towards someone (Homosexuals in our case). All we can do is prove there ignorance.  Hate is usually driven by something more sinister, maybe something from there past, maybe how they were brought up, or maybe just pure stupidity.  But In my opinion, I don't think there is any air way for hate, I don't see the point, maybe it's like there release valve, they hate towards Gay people to release anger which has built up!? Maybe?

Also, why is there not a word for phobia against heterosexuals? Not that I want that to exist, I just find it really strange there's a phobia word for homosexuals, but not heterosexuals?

People shouldn't just jump to conclusions when you don't even know Gay people. Its like, ohh there gay, that means there feminine, and girl'y, and they will hit on me because I'm a man! (Grow up).

Unfortunately my brain isn't big enough to expand.

Thanks for reading!

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