Sunday, 22 January 2012

As crazy as a Sunday can get...for me...

I guess today (22/01/12 - :P) started of at 00:00, didn't get to sleep until half 4am. I suffer from insomnia, which doesn't help my sleeping pattern, at the moment its completely wrecked , its needs to be fixed, quickly. anyway, once I got to sleep, I got about 2 hours sleep before I got woke up by my alarm, was planning on getting a beautiful photo of the sun rising, but my body had other plans. got up, went downstairs, laid on the sofa and fell back to sleep for hours..oopsy, which meant I missed the sunrise!!!

After waking up at 12noon, I had a shower, all the usual stuff when I get up, then planned my trip to get a photo of the sunset, whilst I wait for the sun to set, I decided  to fiddle around with my you do, unfortunately, no good came from that, and wasted about hours doing so...

I  packed all my things together, Camera, bag, tripod, steel toe cap shoes..., for walking through the mud. decided the best shot in Hailsham would be a field down from the Cuckoo trail, unfortunately I wasn't 100% sure whether the field I was going to was privately owned, seeing as the gate had a chain around it, and some barbed wire, I decided to search for another spot, after walking about a mile, everywhere was all weeded over, so walked back to the field, and quickly climbed over the gate and found a nice spot out of view to get a shot, thankfully I didn't get caught or told off, or even arrested.

Exposure: 0.002 sec (1/500)
Aperture: f/18.00
Focal Length: 37mm
ISO Speed: 200

After getting said shot, I walked home, where my feet decided to become painful, at which point, I decided not to wear these shoes I've never properly worn before!!! 

Thanks for reading, and shall try my best to bring my life as best and interesting stuff as possible!  

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