Sunday, 15 April 2012

My definition of the bible.

Just because the bible says something does not make it true.

Just because god may or may not have done something, does not make it true

Just because certain people say the bible says something which may affect our lives, does not mean we live in sin.

Just because god condemns a few things which may or may not be bad, does not make morals appear

Just because people say stuff about things which could or could not happen in the near future, does not make god exist.

Just because religious people do things to help others, does not mean everybody else on the face of this planet is immoral.

Just because 1 book influences a whole nation, does not mean everybody else has to follow.

Just because someone can quote from the bible, does not make them a saint.

People can find there own purpose, beliefs and love, you dont need a book to help you do that, the bible is only god for 1 individuals hope and beliefs not to be used to tell a whole nation what it expects.

I still can not get my head round the fact that people would follow a book which has no evidence what so ever and choose to live by it, preach from it and even make others lives miserable because of it!

It does nothing but anger and fear people, for what? Death?

1 comment:

  1. For one so young, you are very wise. Keep up the good work young sir.
