Monday, 30 April 2012

A message to people who seek their instruction from the Bible.

"You ought to consider that if the Bible was truly written by inspiration of God, it would not be so full of errors and contradictions. I believe that the Bible is the greatest con the world has ever seen. It has prevented people from forming a personal relationship with God ever since it was put together in the first three centuries AD by Church Leaders, containing writings that suited their viewpoints at that time in history. Every Christian learns all there is to know about God and Jesus from reading limited writings which are then filtered through their Church leaders who avoid all passages which would condemn them for their unchristian behaviour.

The Bible condemns homosexuality: Science and medical research has lead us to know that homosexuals are created, rather than a conscious choice made by people. This knowledge was not available to people in Biblical times.

The Bible is absolutely clear that women stay silent in Church, that we should arrange to stone people who wear two types of cloth at the same time, regularly wash the feet of others as Jesus did, personally heal people, raise them from the dead, meet together with other believers daily for prayer and share ALL your possessions with those around you? All these are fundamental behaviors of a Christian and I haven't met one yet!!

So Christians, take the log out of your own eye before you keep carrying on about the speck you think you see in other people's. Your quoting out of context of Biblical verses is unimpressive and hopefully your God will somehow manage to get through to you despite your insistence on fanatically following a series of writings by man, put together by man, rewritten and translated and altered by other men and now picked to pieces by people like you to appear moral and righteous whilst condemning others.

The GLBT people I have encountered on this page show much more of a Christian attitude than you do. They express love, support and encouragement for one another. Stick around, you just might learn something from them."

This was not written by me.

Sunday, 15 April 2012

My definition of the bible.

Just because the bible says something does not make it true.

Just because god may or may not have done something, does not make it true

Just because certain people say the bible says something which may affect our lives, does not mean we live in sin.

Just because god condemns a few things which may or may not be bad, does not make morals appear

Just because people say stuff about things which could or could not happen in the near future, does not make god exist.

Just because religious people do things to help others, does not mean everybody else on the face of this planet is immoral.

Just because 1 book influences a whole nation, does not mean everybody else has to follow.

Just because someone can quote from the bible, does not make them a saint.

People can find there own purpose, beliefs and love, you dont need a book to help you do that, the bible is only god for 1 individuals hope and beliefs not to be used to tell a whole nation what it expects.

I still can not get my head round the fact that people would follow a book which has no evidence what so ever and choose to live by it, preach from it and even make others lives miserable because of it!

It does nothing but anger and fear people, for what? Death?

Sunday, 1 April 2012

Religious Obsession

In the past month, I have been looking,  listening and researching certain parts of peoples religious views,
not every religious person, but mainly the famous religious people, like Margaret Court, Anne Wildacombe, Stephen Green
Rick Santorum and so forth. They all have 1 thing in common, 1 thing which they seem to obsess and bring up constantly,
and it's homosexuals, you never hear them bring up anything else from the bible, like, the sun goes round the earth. You don't hear that one quoted very often do you?
You don't see groups of wild eyed closet astronomers attacking astronomers who state that the earth goes round the sun. But when someone stands up
in defense for there bigoted and ignorant views, they act like the victim, as if we are attacking them, when they are the one with
over obsessed and highly irrational view, its like our lives effect there's, like they wake up every morning and we're there.
They need educating, and not from the bible, but from reality. What is there obsession? I really don't understand, someone please
tell me why they are so obsessed with homosexuals? This is one of the reasons why, I do not like relgious peoples views!
Its one of many reasons why I'm an atheist.